Saturday, July 26, 2008

2 little bugs... hopefully snug as a rug

It has happened. The transfer went so well. This morning we woke up and got ready. We went down to the lobby of the hotel and had a little breakfast. Ty had to finish mine because my stomach was doing flips. I chugged down as much Propel as possible. I was told pre-op that I needed to have a full bladder for the transfer, so I complied only to be told later that I need to slow down. Overachiever again :) We laughed as we ate our breakfast at the crazy old Nascar fans that couldn't figure out how to work the waffle maker. It helped to lighten the mood. To be honest, Ty and I couldn't stop grinning at each other.

After we finished, we headed over to the Hospital. I didn't get a chance to comment before, but this place was beautiful. I told Ty that I wanted to deliver here, and he said no way as it was 2 hours away from home, but it is so nice. So not like a Hospital. Very relaxing and boutique-like. As we were walking in, I was complimenting Tyler on his soothing ways and he decided he should take this up as a job. Taking hormonal women to their Embryo Transfers. I think a nurse leaving heard us and got very confused at our conversation.

We went up to the surgical floor and had to call back to get in. The reception area was completely empty with it being the weekend. Our nurse came and got us and brought us right back. I changed and started to feel the Valium do its work. I was relaxing. We watched a little SportCenter and then headed back to the Transfer Room.

The transfer room had relaxing music on and low lighting. I hopped up on the bed like a champ and Dr. J let us know that the embryologist didn't like our embryos, she LOVED them :) Very good news. The 2 best were chosen and we were told 4 would be frozen in a few days. I was very happy to hear that.

As Dr. J got ready, Tyler stroked my hair and we held hands as we both watched the screen and before we knew it, 2 embryos were in my womb. I cried as we were left on our own for minutes and we kissed and hugged, knowing our dream was possible now. We were led back to our room and then were ready to go.

The pain was less than the after effects of the retrieval. I am still a bit crampy and way paranoid. The nurse assured me that the embryos would not fall out, which was a nice reassurance. All in all, the experience was a very good one. I am still pretty weak, but what person isn't after surgery and then another procedure 2 days later.

I am having a hard time knowing how to feel. Right now, I feel as though I have two babies snuggling into their home. It is almost impossible not to feel this way. I know realistically that nothing is for sure right now. Our beta is in August and until then, I have to wait. It will be hard, but until then, I have my picture of my lil ones to keep me going. Love to you all!


LilBear said...

I've got to tell you, I read this and cried! (Could be the hormones.) I can only hope that my transfer goes as well as yours did. What a beautiful way to start a new life (or 2!), feeling loved and happy. I have a good feeling about this...I think you guys are going to do great. Take it easy, keep your feet up and pamper yourself this week. I am sending baby dust and sticky vibes your way. :)
FL Lindsay

LanY said...

I hope they snuggle in for the long haul. I am sending you positive thoughts for a BFP in two weeks!

LilBear said...

Have you read this stuff about eating pineapple during the 2ww? I like pineapple, but I don't know if
I can eat it every day for 2 weeks. I am spending WAY too much time on the internet being couch-bound today.

LilBear said...

I don't think there is any research behind the pineapple thing, I'm guessing it's urban legend. I figure it's got lots of vitamin C, so it can't be a bad thing, right?

When does school start for you guys? We are back in pre-planning the 11th and the kids are back the 18th. I am glad it is giving me something else to think about, I am going mad all cooped up.