Sunday, September 19, 2010


A few weeks ago I was asked to be my niece's godmothers. I accepted with honor, but in the same breathe missed everything I had lost. This little girl is such a light in my life, but such a reminder of my little girl. Today was the Baptism. It was beautiful and the proud parents and grandparents were beaming. As happy as I was for all of them, my heart ached so incredibly. Tyler was definitely a pillar today as we watched my family beam. He is absolutely amazing to me. I am so so terribly lucky to have him as my husband. 

This week we finally go back to the Doctor for our WTF appointment. Instead of talking about what went wrong, we are going to look into what we can do alternatively in the future. I am so not ready for our last IVF to be upon us, so we are looking at what else we can possibly do. Hopefully it goes well and we get some ideas. 

Have a good week everyone. ((hugs))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

L, I felt the same way at my niece's baptism. I was heartbreaking for me to be there and at the same time, I was so happy for my family. Sending you lots of good thoughts and good vibes as your start cycling (((hugs))). Marisa