Saturday, November 27, 2010

My place...

After looking over my blog, I realized that people probably think I need to be institutionalized. And while they might be right, most of the time I am doing alright. I find myself turning to my blog when the moments are so low that I don't want to bring anyone else in my direct path down with me. I am ok. I am breathing. I am living.... maybe not always alive, but living. Yes, the Holidays have been even harder than I imagined they would ever be, but I cannot describe with words how very special my family and especially my husband have been to me during all of this. Without him, I would not have reason to pick up the pieces every day. Just checking in....


LilBear said...

Glad you checked in, and I'm sure your readers and friends understand. I'm amazed at your strength, and you absolutely have a right to come on here and vent/mourn when you need to. That's something blogs are great for!

cjdubs13 said...

You have gone through something devastating....I think everyone understands that this is your place to vent, but your readers do care about you and your well being.

gringa78 said...

I think about you all the time. Take good care of yourself in the coming weeks. ((HUGS))

My New Normal said...

I know how you feel. I recently started my own blog to try and work though the pain of losing my son. I also tend to post when I'm upset and when I read the blog back it does seem quite sad and depressing. But if writing your feelings down brings you any kind of release (I know it does for me) then you should keep doing it.

G said...

I tend to blog on the worst days, too. It's like I don't have anything to say or don't take the time to write when things are ok.

I hope the holidays aren't too hard on you. (((hugs)))

Rachael said...

You have to do what's best for you. I'm glad you have the blog to put those feelings in. Take care of yourself, I know the next few weeks won't be easy to get through the holidays. (((hugs)))