Saturday, December 12, 2009

NT scan was Thursday!

This is where they check for the nose bone to be grown in (and it is!) and they measure the fold of the neck to check for Down Syndrome. Everything looked good.

We had 3 scans. Petri was being very stubborn... this really is our child and would not lay on its back. So we went in for the first.... got some cute shots and couldn't get the neck measured. Went around to walk for 10 minutes. Came back... same thing.

Went up to my NP appointment and did the glucose thing (post metformin) and then went back down to MFM and finally got the money shots. It was great being about to see Petri so much. It was like the Baby was giving us a gift of making the u/s 3x longer than it should have been :) Everything looks good and now we are on the 4 week rotation of NP then Doc.... kind scary, but nice to be normal!

1 comment:

Pregnancy Advice said...

Good to hear the NT went well! All the best ;)
3d scan